Paro universitario: Docentes exigen mejores salarios ante la inflación

Amidst the ongoing economic crisis, university professors across Argentina have announced a 48-hour active strike on June 4th and 5th. This decision stems from the government's persistent lack of response to their demands for salary increases.


The Partisan Meeting: Unfruitful Negotiations

On May 28th, a partisan meeting was held between university representatives and government officials, including Minister of Human Capital Sandra Petovello and Undersecretary of University Policies Alejandro Álvarez. However, to the dismay of the professors, no concrete proposals were presented to address their salary concerns.

The government's sole response was to pass the issue on to the Minister of Economy, leaving the professors feeling frustrated and disheartened.

The Quest for Wage Parity

In response to this lack of action, the federation representing the professors has reiterated its commitment to continuing its plan of action. They emphasize that unity and struggle are key to achieving their demands and overcoming the government's austerity measures.

The professors acknowledge the progress made in securing a portion of the operating expense budget, preventing the closure of universities. However, they stress that this represents only 8% of the total budget, while salaries for teaching and non-teaching staff account for the remaining 92%.

The Impact of Inflation

Since the implementation of austerity measures, devaluation, and price deregulation, university and pre-university teaching positions have fallen below the poverty line.

The Demands

In light of this situation, the professors have outlined their demands for:

Esta entrada ha sido visitada por 8 lectores.

  • Monthly salary increases to keep pace with inflation
  • Recovery of salary losses since December
  • Adjustment of the salary guarantee
  • Restoration of the FONID (National University Fund)
  • Funds for training and education
  • Emergency funding to prevent the bankruptcy of health insurance providers

The struggle for university education is a struggle for the future of our country. We will not rest until the government recognizes the value of education and invests in its future.

CONADU Representative

The Strike: A Call for Solidarity

CONADU has called for a nationwide active strike at 57 universities on June 4th and 5th. The professors appeal to the wider community for solidarity and support in their fight for fair wages and a better future for education in Argentina.

They believe that a united front will allow them to overcome the government's attempts to divide and conquer, and ultimately force them to address the urgent needs of the university system.

The Road Ahead

The strike is a necessary step towards ensuring that the university system remains accessible and affordable for all. By standing together, the professors hope to send a clear message to the government that the future of education in Argentina depends on investing in its educators. - Imagen extraida de:


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