World of Concrete: innovación y crecimiento en la industria del hormigón

World of Concrete celebra 50 años de innovación en Las Vegas


Advancements Drive the Concrete Industry Forward

The construction and concrete industries are among the most significant contributors to the global economy. As the world's population continues to grow, so does the demand for infrastructure, housing, and other concrete-based structures. To meet this demand, the concrete industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and techniques being developed all the time.

One of the most important events for the concrete industry is World of Concrete (WOC), which was recently held in Las Vegas. WOC is the world's largest annual trade show for the concrete industry, and it brings together professionals from all over the world to learn about the latest products and trends.

WOC 2024: A Milestone Event

The 2024 edition of WOC was a major milestone for the event, as it celebrated its 50th anniversary. The show attracted nearly 60,000 registered professionals from various sectors of the industry, marking a 23 percent increase from the previous year. Over 1,400 leading companies and a record-breaking 185 educational sessions highlighted the event's continued significance as a platform for development, networking, exploration, and learning in the ever-changing industry landscape.

Industry Leaders Showcase Latest Offerings

With over 65,000 square meters of indoor and outdoor space, WOC became the second-largest trade show in Las Vegas, drawing crowds to exhibition pavilions, exciting competitions, and packed-out educational sessions. Over 450 international exhibitors, including 325 first-time exhibitors, and established brands such as Caterpillar, MB Crusher, JLG, Hilti, Husqvarna, John Deere, Makita, and Stihl showcased the tools, equipment, and technologies that are driving the future of the sector.

The focus remains on attracting new audiences and the next generation of concrete professionals to expand the industry's visibility.

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Jackie James, Vice President of World of Concrete, stated:

"Each year, World of Concrete serves as the essential meeting place where concrete professionals share knowledge and refine skills that drive their businesses. We are proud to be the global epicenter that brings together the architects of America's future."

Jackie James, Vice President of World of Concrete

CIM Live Auctions Raise Funds for Education

A highlight of the event was the Concrete Industry Management (CIM) live auctions, which raised $1.8 million for university programs at five institutions. In honor of its 50th anniversary, World of Concrete donated 50 trees to the Las Vegas Tree Initiative as part of its ongoing commitment to urban sustainability.

Innovation at the Forefront

World of Concrete continues to be a hub of exploration and innovation, where leading exhibitors introduced new products and software programs, tools, and machinery aimed at enhancing efficiency and safety within the industry. The next edition will take place from January 21-23, 2025, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, continuing its legacy as the premier international event for the concrete industry. - Imagen extraida de:


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